Daily Prompt: Dream Teacher

teachers desk



You can choose any person from history to teach you any topic you want. Who’s your teacher, and what do they teach you?

Of all the many people throughout history to choose from I would probably choose Gandhi. What sucks is that there are so  many others I would want to teach me as well. I wish the question was ” If you had a full day at school and could have a different person from history teach you each period of school who would it be?” hehehe So I decided I am going to go with that because there are simply too many awesome people to only pick one. I’m sure that says something about my personality that I refuse to follow the actual directions for this prompt. 🙂

So my first day at school and first period I have Math class, and my teacher, Albert Einstein hates when your late. I chose him for the very not so obvious reasons. I think if Einstein were my math teacher it would be an incredible morning every morning of class. As it is common knowledge he failed math, I would be early to class every day just to see what quirkiness and knowledge he put forth.

Second period I have History class and am often trying to grab a coffee right before so I am often late and my teacher Ms. Margaret Thatcher (first female prime minister of england) always raises an eyebrow at me when I stroll into class. I think she would be the best history teacher for a few reasons. Mostly because I think it would be fair to say she would teach a very well-balanced world history curriculum but also because women throughout history have been super underrated when it comes to the ruling of a nation.

Third period I have English and for this class I choose Mr. William Shakespeare himself because after all who knows the english language better, and just imagine how fun and animated class would be.

Fourth period I have lunch, where of course no teacher is required but it;s just my luck that in my school our lunch lady happens to be the fabulous Julia Childs. Bon Apetite! Enough said.

Now, because I am a senior I only have five classes because I have finished most of my academic requirements and my final and fifth class is Language for which I study French. My teacher is Napoleon Bonaparte. You can imagine this is a tedious and hardcore class where I am excited everyday when it’s over. But how weird and funny would it be to have Napoleon teaching the language of French of all things? lol It made me laugh when I thought of it.

I almost forgot Gandhi would be my guidance counselor. 🙂

That’s my full day of higher learning with people from history if I could choose who my teachers were. Needless to say it would be an interesting day at school everyday and the very least I would learn to think outside the box in every aspect of life.



Daily Post: 3. An ode to an object

An Ode to an object- Daily post 3




I love so many of the strange things I own and have odd fascinations with them and for the odes. Part of this is because I am pretty easy to please. So many things bring actual happiness to me, things that most people wouldn’t categorize as drive you crazy kind of love.. lol For example I have this one sweater that is black and white stripes that may or may not be from a maternity section in Ralph Lauren, but I love it and always try to get away with wearing it with a number of outfits that it just doesn’t go with.

I own a small medium-sized make up bag that is pink and it’s the shape of a watermelon. haha It makes me laugh every morning I see it on the bathroom counter. I don’t know why but I’ll never get a new one and I probably should. It’s kind of old and I just stitch the plastic in the corners when it starts fraying a bit. I love it. It makes me feel silly as a full-grown woman who has a make up bag that’s a watermelon. I even think of ways to change the things I love into other things for when they become to old or used to use them for what they were originally intended for. Like most of my old hoodies and sweaters that are just no good or too stained or ripped to wear outside with my head held high. I make all of them into cute little cotton pencil skirts and then they are even more special because they have all the stories of when I wore them as sweaters and now all my new memories with these items will be as a skirt.

I wear scarves all year-long which living on the east coast of the country you can imagine makes no sense in the summer but you better believe I wear scarves almost every day of the year and I have a favorite, it’s this pale pink plaid thing that’s cotton and seriously matches nothing but I love it for exactly that reason and funny enough it’s never been lost through all the moves and bar hopping over the years. Bars are the number one culprit for losing precious items lol. I have even lost a purse before at a bar. That’s another article I will post under “the whiskey train” category of my  blogs.

So all in all this an ode to a few objects. 🙂

Zero to hero: day one


Well My name is Cassandra and I am 30 yrs old. I am new to the blogging game and quite in love with it thus far. I am apart of this blog convention to learn more about the ins and outs of blogging in general and to expand my writing. More specifically I hope to gain a better perspective of what kind of writer I actually am and reach out to more people despite the seemingly random quirkiness that always seems to come out onto the page. 🙂

My blog,  A cup of noodle soup, is an amalgamation of a few things I have fallen in love with throughout my 20’s, the color pink, cows, whiskey and the food that invariably is on my mind every moment I am not thinking of the others. I am hoping to reach out to like-minded folks without discluding writers and topics of varying kinds. You see, I am one of those people who sits and thinks about everything or at the very least it seems that way to me. In the sunshine with my coffee on a sunday the poor sea turtles being wrapped up in plastic in the ocean will come to mind or at night when it’s raining I will enjoy a glass of whiskey that I have never had and spend hours with friends discussing where it came from and what kind of bar snacks it would taste good with.

The troubles that I have found with my blogging is that I often am worried that I am letting my rampant thinking get the best of me and that perhaps my blog is too all over the place. Is there room for me to talk about my obsession with baking cupcakes and still write about how to stay healthy with this awesome spring beet salad recipe I just found in my journal?

I suppose that is why I decided to write publicly as oppose to keeping a journal with all my thoughts and ideas to myself.  Which I have done since almost the moment I could read and write. Sharing these parts of me just sort felt like an even better outlet and I have been surprisingly inspired but others blogs and posts and comments, that I am almost worried with all the new thoughts and writing ideas I have now.

Anyways, sorry for getting started late and this is a bit about me and why I am here.

Day one! 🙂